
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Making Lists

There are lots of things happening at the moment. Maybe too many? But, I'm writing everything down and ticking them off day by day. I don't seem to be able to remember things like I used to.......

Have I promised you something? Are you waiting on a custom order? I'm sorry but I've probably forgotten (except for you Susie - yours is next on the list). But seriously, please send me an email if I have.

The rest of this week is filled with hospital with hospital / medical appointments, but then of course, I have an exciting Friday night planned at the Hottie Exhibition Opening.

The week after is now full too..... I promised my two eldest nephews that I'd take them on a skate park tour on the first day of the holidays (which means that I taxi them around suburbia to check out skate parks, and they ride around on their scooters to test them out). We'll probably have a lovely lunch at Maccas too no doubt!

Then Tuesday I'll pack my bags and head into hospital for three whole days of pre-transplant testing. I'm still waiting for the timetable to be sent out to work out exactly what I have to get done..... hopefully nothing too icky!

** Corduroy skirt - part of a pressie for a 3 year old birthday party that Moo went to on the weekend...


  1. Just make sure you put on top of that list LOOK AFTER MYSELF and tick it off every evening!♥ Hope all goes well with your hospital/doc visits and look forward to seeing you on Friday.

  2. Oh I agree with Lyndel, do not forget that tick!I hope the medical bits will be fine for you....ohI wish I could have come down on Friday night but my jet is just going through some repairs Oh non!! :) xx

  3. I am a list girl myself...esp as my memory seems to be fading daily.

    Hope all goes well for you next week. Sounds like you will be super busy in the meantime so I hope that means that you wont spend too much time dwelling on it.


  4. absolutely, make sure you put yourself at he top and give it a big ✔
    good luck with all of the testing, i hope you sail through it.
    don't forget to pack the grab and go crafty project bag for all of those hanging around waiting times.
    huge ♥ to you

  5. Thanks Cam, but there is absolutely no hurry, those other things sound much more important, especially the skate park tour!

  6. I agree with everyone else. Put yourself and your health at the absolute top of your list (hmmm, I think I need to take my own advice too, actually). Make sure you have something crafty packed away to help time pass, and my best tip is to load your iPod up with audiobooks so that if you are feeling run down and horrible that you can just plug yourself in and escape. My iPod is my saviour at the hospital!!

  7. fabbo skirt
    and good luck with the testing

  8. You sound like the best Aunty ever! Lucky boys. Good luck with your testing.

  9. I write lists ... but I can never find them when I need them! Always convinced I stuffed the shopping list into my bag before I left for the supermarket, but ... I'm bette if my list can be a pile - like the mending pile currently ion my desk.

    I second Lyndel's thoughts on putting yourself at the top of your list

  10. in my thooughts cam,looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!!hope it is a nice retreat from hospital checks

  11. I'll be thinking and praying for you next week. Hope the testing goes wel. xxx


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