
Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Creative Space....

On the agenda today - preparations and packing for tonights pop-up stall at Cathy's exhibition.

On the weekend, I made myself this display board to hang my pocket mirrors.... just using things that I already had hanging around the house (gorgeous fabric gifted to me from Liesl). It's going to sit on an artists easel that I picked up from the oppy for a couple of dollars.

This is Mr Limpy Houdini Dog's creative space.... I haven't the heart to tell him that this heater isn't even switched on!

The home of our creative spaces


  1. Poor, poor Mr Limpy Houdini dog. Old age and imfirmities can be tough. Cherrie

  2. Thanks for the massive laughter induced coughing fit Mr Limpy Houdini dog! Didn't need that half a lung anyway!!!!

  3. Ow - what a cutie pie - doing some wishful thinking maybe?

    Hope it goes well tonight!
    What a lovely event to be showing your wares!xx

  4. My Limpy Houdini - that is hilarious! Our kitten keeps climbing up onto the printer (possibly the least comfortable place I can see, as there's all papers and stuff piled on there) simply so she can lie under the desk lamp when it's turned on. I'm sure she thinks it's a ray of sunlight, which she wouldn't have been able to find for the last 2 weeks (1/4 of her life). I love that material you've used.

  5. Ever hopeful..I know just how Mr Houdini feels!

  6. what a nice little bit of handy work there Cam. Goodluck with the pop up shop, I'm sure between yourself, Betty Jo and Tinnie Girl you should make quite the little market place :)

    bte, thanks for switching over, your always so supportive and it's appreciated :)


  7. dogs are funny!

    i love your board, that material is fabulous, and so you!

  8. aaawww bless him at least he is maybe dreaming it is ;-)) Good luck with the stall, dee x

  9. Mr. Houdini must be related to my dog, Mr. Wigglybum. Mr. Wigglybum does the same thing - sad thing is that my heater actually lights up as it gets hot, but Mr Wigglybum doesn't realize.... My other dog, Miss Poopybreath gets it, but she obviously finds Mr. Wigglybum's confusion as funny as I do!!

  10. awww poor houdini :(

    the board is really eye catching :D

  11. whatever works for him. good luck with the pop up stall

  12. Hmmm...not sure Houdini would be any more creative if he were switched on himself! Good laugh...and love your pop up display...hopemit was a good Market?


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