
Monday, June 13, 2011

Oppies and Karma

After a torturous pulmonary rehabilitation session Friday morning, I took my poor exhausted muscles off to meet Carly for lunch.

I asked her to choose the venue so that we could meet up in her neighbourhood. Lo and behold, as I found the Union Rd Deli where we were meeting, I managed to park my car right outside an oppy that I didn't even know existed.

I managed to find myself a nice pink cardi and a little wooden spice rack, and then Carly spotted this shirt for me.

The fabric is just lovely....... 'twas meant to be!


  1. That's a fantastic shirt! Are you going to keep it as is? Or do a little Curlypops refashioning?

  2. Hooray for silver linings (and excellent oppy finds)!

  3. Twas meant to be :) Gorgeous shirt!

  4. Sounds like some well earned good karma.

  5. Oh, you definitely earned that! Such lovely fabric...
    (I used to give some of the Pulmonary Rehab education sessions at my work pre-child, and would arrive just as everyone finished their exercise and were well and truly ready for a sit-down and drink of water!)

  6. Every time I read someone's successful jaunts at a new oppy I realise that I really need to get back to doing that...nothing beats the feeling of treasures at a bargain price!

  7. I used to have a shop in Union Rd. I miss the Union Rd Deli and the lovely ladies at the op shop.I'm so glad you got some lovely lunch and oppy finds in my old stalking ground.

  8. Boy did you ever earn that karma. Well chosen, Op Shop Gods...

  9. Love the hints of paisley mixed with the cherry blossoms. It must be wonderful to discover previously unknown op shops. A special present in the midst of a turbulent day. Cherrie

  10. I love this shirt :) So good to see you on Friday!

  11. Very nice! Glad that the Op shop gods decided to brighten your day, Cam.

  12. some days are just like that! i love that little old op shop. shhh don't tell anyone


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