
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Snippets.... so far

 Sunday Snippets.... playing along with Tinniegirl


  1. Another one here eyeing off your button box!

    Hope you had the glorious "Spring is on the way" sunshine that we had today in Adelaide.

  2. I'm eyeing off that box too!
    do you crochet your flower brooch centres?
    ...they are very pretty.

  3. Hi Cam..I could eat that tablecloth..I just love the print on it. You have a beautiful house!

  4. Ive got those CD's!! my friend bought them for me for my birthday to get me running more lol.
    I should sort my buttons out too!

  5. Wasn't the sunshine gorgeous. Perfect day for Puffing Billy!!!

    Thanks for playing along.

  6. Im coming to your place for breakfast, but Ill have the hotcakes 'kay? looks like a fun day!

  7. Ministry of Sound! I'm spending Sundays at your place! I'm sick of ba ba black sheep with the kids over here!!!

  8. Now that last shot looks veeery interesting....!!!!

  9. I love buttons too!
    and those mini doilies- too cute.
    Looks like a relaxing Sunday - It's how Sundays should be (or how I want them to be - a little difficult with two young girls!) :)

  10. Mmmmm buttons. I have those same red floral ones from ages ago and never want to place them anything, just keep them to look at, silly huh?
    It was such a nice sunny sunday wasnt it?


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