
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Flowerpress - Show & Tell

I'm out and about today, but in very exciting news, I'm doing a little Show & Tell Interview with Susie over at Flowerpress.

I was so chuffed to be asked, as she's interviewed some amazingly talented and creative crafters in her series so far.

Grab a cuppa and pop on over!

Thanks Susie


  1. Ahh yes, I saw this morning & had a little read about you! ... You're famous now.. maybe I should ask for your autograph!!

  2. Hi Cam I'm your newest happy follower, over from Susie's blog. So pleased to be introduced! J x

  3. Nice one, Cam! 2008 seems so long ago now! You are one classy, crafty, blogger sista x

  4. Excellent interview Curly Pops :) Loving your mega marvellous spirit, determination and talent even more :~)


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