
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Go Granny - Exclusive Behind the Scenes...

Apologies lovely readers - I know I promised to show the Go Granny behind the scenes photos last week, but then life and general craziness and phone problems and babysitting took over... yadda yadda yadda... you know how it is!

I must thank Brianna for snapping some photos while we working away trying to get the colours just right (and of course, for making me cups of tea).

It's actually quite cool to have some photos to document the final design process.

This was the very first print...

Checking the design size.

A few more rows....  check out that printer head whizzing past!

This was the first full metre printed...

The Money Shot!

Thankyou so much to Michelle from Frankie and Swiss for her invaluable help and hard work at such short notice. I was kind of in a huge rush to get printing...

Can't wait to get stitching with it now!

PS - I have panels listed in the shop but it's also available as metreage... just purchase multiple panels and I'll cut as one piece.


  1. How exciting! It's great to see the behind the scenes shots & what a ripping result, gorgeous!

  2. It looks fantastic and I love how you were pondering the colours of the print over a cuppa tea!

  3. Thanks Cam, I have always wondered about the modern art of fabric printing! love the Go Granny!
    x Miss G

  4. Hooray! So pleased to see this is now available for sale - I'll be ordering some metreage as soon as I work out how much I'll need for my new jacket!

  5. Wow, Cam. I can only imagine how darn exciting it would be to see all your talents roll of the presses like that. Way. cool.

  6. I am so happy someone was there to make you cups of tea. I know it really made all the difference...hehe awesome fabric and colours! You make my heart sing!

    Xo Steph

  7. How awesome - can't imagine how exciting it was for you to watch it all come to fruition:) Cyndy

  8. Wow I still remember when printing your own fabric was just a dream lovely!!You must feel so proud!!xx S

  9. Look at you folding colours over to see what they look like together - that's exactly what I do! I've never seen mine printed, so I'm living vicariously through you. And it looks like there may be some kind of subliminal message in the yellow of the final piece... 1998 or something... it's seriously cool...

  10. Congratulations Cam - a fabulous design and such gorgeous colours. That last shot is amazing!x

  11. thanks for sharing. I love that you managed to get photos of that very exciting day!

  12. looking forward to seeing what lovely things you will make from this special fabric

  13. this is sooooo wonderful Cam I am so happy for you

  14. You must be so happy with it - and proud, looks great and thanks for sharing the pics

  15. very neat to see :) would kill for that printer :p

  16. Those pics are oh so cool Cam! I'm only used to seeing the hand printed style of fabric printing.

  17. How fantastic is that! So interesting to see it made but how rewarding for you to see the finished product.
    It looks great!
    Isabelle x

  18. Your design is fabulous and the colours are gorgeous. Congratulations!


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