
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blogtoberfest 16 Self Portrait Day

In the absence of any proper photos of myself (always the photographer, never the photographee), for todays Blogtoberfest Self Portrait day, I present to you, a random selection of blurry photos taken on my mobile phone.

The straight hair shot (middle bottom) is evidence that I'd just been to the hairdresser for a haircut. I would normally never ever bother even plugging a hair straightener into a powerpoint, let alone taking the time to straighten my hair with it!

Strangely enough, it seems that I only attempt a self portrait on my phone when I happen to be wearing my Dorothy shoes (strange but true). I'm sure they must have magical powers. It's looking like my wardrobe has a particular colour theme too.... bizzare.

Anyhoo, that's enough pondering for a Sunday, why not play along at Tinniegirl!


  1. You look gorgeous!

    I love the straight hair. Hairdressers make the whole hair-shebang thing look so easy.

  2. These candid shots are great Cam.
    I too have curly hair and love when it's straightened properly after a cut.

  3. You look so different with straight hair! Love it - and all your outfits too!x

  4. I looooove those shoes...I would take pics of them all the time too!!

  5. Cam you are so cute! Love the mosaic idea too!


  6. I have a pair of those shoes too :D comfy aren't they LOL

  7. I love the shoes!!! (I would wear them every day! =))

  8. I'd believe those shoes have magical powers... so very cute and obviously a favourite?!

  9. love those shoes!
    great self portraits!

  10. love hairdresser straightened hair..makes you feel amazing and you look amazing too!
    i love those dorothy shoes and I always think of you & bright colours & hadn't realised alot of your wardrobe is actually darker colours.
    ahhh, Melbourne black!

  11. love your shoes!!! I find myself taking many a pic of my favorite pair of red shoes! xx

  12. You look very pretty.
    I think I recall those shoes from a previous blog entry, a very long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

  13. I love the straight hair, and I love the colour theme. I'm partial to a touch of red. But hey, you already knew that right?

  14. Loving the Dorothy shoes! Are they only in Kansas or can others get them too??? (ie where ????)

  15. Black and red suits you Ms Pops :)

    Funny, my red shoes always end up being portrayed too - very magical (like dorothy's were)

  16. Very gorgeous, very stylish, I always think of you when I see shoes like your faves ... too cute♥

  17. Love your outfits and your shoes too.

  18. Hairdresser hair always lasts so much longer than home-made hair, doesn't it? You look hot, my dear, and if I had those shoes they'd be worn down and have holes in the soles by now. Delish.

  19. Love the Dorothy shoes! Great set of self pictures.


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