
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The forgotten ones...

In all of the excitement of the Gleaners Inc Grand Opening, I'd totally forgotten to show off some very special Sunnies/Specs pouches.

Some of my very favourite vintage tablecloths and vintage fabrics were sacrificed for a very good cause.

Here's a lovely pic of them in their new position at the shop (check out the gorgeous vintage cutlery drawer).

Just in case you hadn't heard, Gleaners Inc is Open For Business (2 Ballarat St, Brunswick) - make sure to check it out!


  1. Mornin'.

    I'd love to buy a few of those (Christmas stocking-up in progress). How can I do so? I love the vintage tablecloths in new form.

    Just get back to me when you have a moment and we'll nut-out the finer details.

  2. They look great. I am going to have to put this store on my too visit list when we move south:)

  3. I have walked past the empty windows on that building so many times! Its great that they are being put to good use :)

  4. I'd love the first one in that shot!
    (is it only available at Gleaners?)xx

  5. Think I have just the pair of glases for the cover on the right -nice big green Jackie O ones! Better hot foot it to Gleaners!!!

  6. Next time I am in Melbourne, I am there!

  7. Aw bummer I'm not in Melbourne to snaffle that blue one! Not that my sunnies don't already enjoy their Curlypops made sunnies case :) But you know, variety and all that...

  8. Looks like a divine little spot!
    I adore that sunnies case on the right. perfect.

  9. Hi Cam..when you see all those gorgeous fabrics with their brilliant vintagey goodness, it's just so hard to pick one to take home. They really look so good together. Gleaners looks like it's going to have the pick of the crop there!

  10. Nice Australian blog you have got - I think it is fun see what people make /sew around the world :-)

  11. Your pouches are great -- love the clocks, too!

  12. Great pouches. I love the vintage fabric prints. Love the shop too - it looks amazing.

  13. Hey Cam,
    Because you were on my mind all day, those Curlypops vibes must have travelled via the atmosphere to a lovely customer who snapped up one of your sunnies pouches.
    I mentioned that the designer was having a rather momentous day and she said it made it all the more special!!!

  14. These pouches are GORGEOUS!! So cheery!


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