
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Snippets.... Blogtoberfest Day 9


  1. I can't help but wonder what you're making. These pics really show the lovely texture of the fabric really well.

  2. Man I love vegemite toast. I could almost LIVE on vegemite toast.

  3. Great post Cam - lots of lovely fabric and some yum marmite on toast! (not used to saying vegestuff yet!)x

  4. I'm glad to see that with all those zippers to be sewn in, that you chose the large Espresso Pronto!

  5. You know I didn't pick up at first that the pic was of toast with vegemite, until I read one of the comments. I thought you were having some double meaty dish and was saying where's the veg???

  6. OOh I love the colours in those fabrics, so bright and happy :)

  7. Oh Cam, looks like a lot goes on at your house on a Sunday- very productive. Hope you are going okay, my google reader is going crazy too!

  8. Looks like a productive day. I bought a invisable zipper foot this week - looking forward to seeing how I go with this new tool.

  9. My type of Sunday... Except for the zips, I dont do zips ;)

  10. i love that orange and pink fabric! its so bright and pretty :D

  11. Ahhh the dreaded zips ... Mmmm someone else here also doesn't do them! Vegemite on toast with the butter dripping is scrummy!
    Gorgeous post, gorgeous pics as always Darlingheart! Hope your week is super duper. xo.

  12. lovely sunday snippets! and what a beautiful space you have here. Coming over from Blogtoberfest.


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