
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blogging - the Good, the Amazing, the Excellent, and the Ugly

The Good

The sweet little floral plate that Cathy spotted for me at the Oppy a few weeks ago.

The Amazing

The fact that Cherie from Waste Not Do Want had a matching one that she packaged up in bubble wrap and popped in the mail for me, along with some lovely magazines.

The Excellent

Being a responsible blogger, I thought that I should demonstrate and photograph that the plates are perfect for chocolate biccies.... just like (slightly melted on the way home) Tim Tams.

The Ugly

Once out of the packet and displayed on a plate.... those seven Tim Tams had no chance (yes - I did eat the entire 7).


  1. So glad you ate those Tim Tams. You deserve them.

    Was it purely coincidence that those two little platters matched? They're very cool.

    I often wonder what the future of blogging will be? Will it get bigger and better?

  2. Fact: I have never eaten a Tim Tam in my life.

    Nice plates.

  3. Sometimes you've just gotta take in life's pleasures. All seven of them. You're only human, after all!

  4. ha, great post. Gorgeous plates, those Tim Tam's would have disappeared too, you can't put them back in the packet after all! Loving the new header!

  5. I have the plate on the right! How funny is that!

    Mmm Tim tams.

  6. Good on you; life's too short!

  7. Well, they just never fit back into the packet do they? You had no alternative!!

  8. Complelety justified - they just would have melted and gone nasty!

  9. you cant put tim tams back into the packet after they have been out on the plate, so eating them is the only option!

  10. I can't eat them , so you were only making up for me.

  11. Good work on the tim tams, makes me feel better about eating a whole box of pizza shapes today. Naughty naughty! I am trying to make up for it with a big healthy salad with dinner :P

    How lovely to get such lovely plates gifted to you, and matching as well is a particularly nice bonus!

  12. love the colours of those plates :D
    if i ever get to australia i have to try a tim tam

  13. once the tim tams are out of the packet, they just dont go back in neatly so can totally understand having to eat them ;)

  14. Haha, gorgeous post. And those Tim Tams were asking for it.

  15. Ahhh.. but did you dunk the tim tams into your hot tea (coffee)???

  16. Fact: I have eaten more Tim Tams in my life that I am able to admit as if I do, I will confirm to the world that I am big pig. Love the plates. Of course now will keep my eyes out for another one...


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