
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Dress

I'm always lamenting that fact that I don't make enough things just for me, so I'm making a more concerted effort at the moment.

I'm taking my inspiration from Michelle at Buttontree Lane and her participation in Self Stitched September

I can't quite imagine having enough me made clothes in my wardrobe to be able to put together an outfit every day for a month but.... that's my aim!

It all began with this vintage pattern from the oppy. Back in the olden days it seems that some patterns were not sold with size variations, and sizing was a bit different to what we consider standard now.

I assumed (quite wrongly) that size large would be perfect.

After sewing the basic seams (and before overlocking), I tried it on and it looked more like a sack.... with arm wings large enough that a gust of wind might have been able to carry me away. So that's when I ditched the pattern and just started freestyle sewing, beginning with the side seams.

I made the arm wings smaller, and then slightly gathered them and finished them with binding.

I added top stitching to the side pockets so that they would sit neatly....

.... and instead of the large wide belt, I made a skinnier tie up belt and added belt loops so that it would sit nicely around my waist.

I'm quite happy with how it turned out. Next time, I might try something more complicated.... and perhaps without wings?


  1. Looks lovely, but you really should show it on :) Where is the fabric from? Did you find it at an Oppy too?? If yes, then me thinks it's a great score.

  2. Oh it's great :) I'm scared by patterns so I don't think I could ever make anything like that but you never know!

  3. That dress is just so gorgeous. I love it - style and fabric.

    Have you told us where the farbic's from? Is it vintage? I adore it!

  4. Love it and that fabric! Of course you can make something more complicated - just do one step at a time.

  5. You've finished it really nicely Cam, but you always have had great attention to detail. The fabric is magnificent. A very Cam dress indeed!

  6. Looks so cool and comfy. I admire you setting your sights on yourself:) We do have a tendency to give to others but not to ourselves:) Cyndy

  7. Pretty, busy fabric like this will draw the eye away from the wings. 80's patterns tend to be a bit free form and less fitted. I remember making a dress according to my size only to end up ditching it after two or three remodels because it was still too floppy. Cherrie

  8. Lovely to see that not everyone in Melbourne wears black! Great job Cam, and kudos to you for freestylin' it!

  9. I do like a dress with aerodynamic properties but your finished product is pretty fab too. Well done making for you!
    Ab :-)

  10. You really smartened up the original pattern to something fantastic Cam! Well done!! =-)

  11. Great fabric Cam. I love the changes you made, really pretty.

  12. So clever ... I love the dress and the colors are gorgeous. How clever, altering the pattern. awesome.

  13. Nothing like clipping your wings :)

    I like it! I'm also into a bit of sewing for myself at the moment.

  14. You inspire me right back with your amazing attention to detail. The dress is stunning. And the fabric! Wow! Really nice job Cam - and before you know it you'll have a self-stitched wardrobe of your own.

  15. look good :) hmmm i wonder how hard it would be to sew actual wings on a dress....

  16. Hi Cam - what a great creation. I am very impressed! And I recognised the fabric immediately :)

    Lovely detail with the belt loops!



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