
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Jigsaws and Monkeys

I've had these super cute vintage jigsaw panels in the stash for the longest time, but I've finally put them to good use.

They're now sweet little zippered pouches.

There are 3 designs to choose from and each one features a recycled chunky zip

Ready and waiting in the shop!


  1. A great idea. And they look so nice. Thank you for sharing!

  2. The boldness of the jigsaws works so well with the colours and chunky zips you've chosen.

  3. Sooo cute - plus very nostalgic- I actually had that puzzle when I was little - it was one of those cool ones with 9 timber blocks, you put it together then turn the blocks row by row to make another picture!

  4. Ok, I want one :) I love them. Heading to shop now...


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