
Monday, December 12, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Even though it was quite chilly and blustery lastnight, we braved the cold and headed off to Carols in the local park.

Luckily the kiddies never seem to notice the temperature!

They were very excited when Santa arrived on a firetruck.

Just for a laugh - meet Baubleboy


  1. It's so strange seeing everything so Christmassy without any snow! Very much looking forward to meeting Mason, Noah and Zane (number two) when I come over. Mason was just a twinkle in Rachael's eye when I was last over! x

  2. Don't kids love a santa hat! Mine haven't really taken them off since putting up the tree.

    I am very jealous of your not-crowded Christmas carols. I would love that! x

  3. How gorgeous is your family!?
    Especially that Baubleboy!!x

  4. Very cute .... love Baubleboy !! Kids never notice the cold weather as long as they are having fun.

  5. Ha, Baubleboy looks like a complete nutter like his look-a-like aunty! Or is it the other way around teehee. Such cuties!


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