
Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Creative Space..... Flight of the Ducks

I warned that I was becoming addicted to Instagram...

I've spent the last couple of days stitching and stitching and stitching to finish my piece for The Flight of the Ducks Exhibition at Gleaners Inc next week. There's still time to join in if you like.

If you're around the Brunswick area, you MUST pop in for a visit!

I'm actually nearly finished now... but I can't show you anymore than this little sneaky peek from early on in the process.

Just in case you're wondering - Yes, I have seriously stitched about a billion stitches onto a scrap of calico with my little Janome.

I know that it may not be cool to be blowing my own trumpet, but I'm seriously LOVING how it turned out!

Only 8 more days and I can spill the beans...

The home of my creative space


  1. So cool. I hope you get to keep the finished piece so you can enjoy it forever. Cherrie

  2. blow that trumpet loud because that is one stunning duck!!!!


  3. I am loving the resurgence of the flying duck. Was going to do some in my next fabric printing until it all went terribly wrong.

  4. Brilliant Cam!
    Loving the colours you've used - you must have sore shoulders by now with all that sewing tho!XX

  5. yah! can't wait to see them all finished on friday :D

  6. Looks fabulous - so bright and cheery and its not even done:) Looking forward to you sharing the finished project:) Cyndy

  7. Gorgeous cam! Can't wait to see them in flight x

  8. That looks very beautiful .... I can't wait to see the finished product. Love the colours.

  9. Cam they look amazing!! you are amazing! and sadly I won't be joining in, I just don't have time for it. xo

  10. Your ducks looks fabulous, and are worthy of the 7 zillion stitches you used (and 12 bobbins, that still blows my mind a little)

    ps: I am rather addicted to instagram also. Rather indeed!

  11. awww I am liking what I can see!

  12. Awesome duck! The colours are gorgeous, can't wait to see the finished item.

  13. Wow Cam you have patience! It looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!

  14. I would be blowing my trumpet if I could stitch a duck like that or a swan or a robin or a cat or a dog or basically anything. Can't wait to see what the finished product will look like though it looks beautiful already.

  15. wow - that looks so cool! My blog friends are so clever!!

  16. Even partially completed that looks great. I can't wait to see the final duck.

  17. Out of this world brilliant! Amazing Cam. Really really cool.

  18. AMAZING ... yet another indication of how fab you girls down there are ... loving everything you're doing ... applause, applause :D


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