
Friday, January 27, 2012

Chocberry Bag

As soon as my new Chocberry colourway arrived, I couldn't wait to cut into it to make something just for me.

I have about eleventy-billion handbags... lots of really little ones, and lots of really big ones, but I never can seem to find one that's just right in the middle.

I auditioned a few different lining fabrics...

... but the gorgeous swirly one that Cathy bought for me won hands down.

This is the perfect size for my everyday bag. It had a maiden voyage to NCB Wednesday night, and today it gets to come along to pulmonary rehab, and then for a coffee and red velvet cupcake date.

I can't wait (for the coffee and cupcakes that is)!!!


  1. I so love this colourway, it will be a gorgeous winter panel too I think!

  2. I LOVE it, it looks so awesome Cam!

  3. Lovely bag and even more lovely fabric, Cam! I really like your Chocberry fabric. The colours are fab.

  4. I think this bag is a winner. It would make the cut teamed on the streets of New York alongst their finest haute couture names. The colourway is a perfect blend. Cherrie

  5. Gorgeous. Love the new colourway.

  6. Love the bright colours in this one - perfect mix.

  7. I'll just ditto everyones' comments and add sensational!

  8. Your fabric looks fabulous on that bag Cam. Love the lining too, I'm a sucker for bright linings.


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