
Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Punky and Me Music Swap

*Yet another iPhone photo

I vowed not to join any swaps this year, just in case I disappeared and left my swap partners in the lurch (I'd be devastated if that happened)!

Epic fail... (I've never typed that before). Does it sound ridonkulous? I think I may be too old for words like that.

Anyway, it took me a grand total of 4 days to break my promise and join Vic's Music Swap.... well she is irresistable after all.

My original intention was to follow a theme. But, with 3476 songs on my PC (and that's not my entire CD collection), how could I possibly choose just enough songs to fit on one lone CD? In the end, I've tried to choose just some of my all time favourites. The ones that make you want to sing out loud, and maybe even bop along.

 I hope my swapees are happy with my selection.

*In other news... it seems my poor old camera is becoming a bit superfluous. The photo above was taken on my iPhone. I've used the Snapseed App to edit it on my phone, and the Dropbox App to upload it, all while sitting on the couch watching tv. The wonders of modern technology.


  1. What a fun swap!
    Lots of iPhone photos have made it to my blog. With some of my camera apps the photos often come out better than with my $700 camera (Urgh!). I'm new to dropbox and have to say it's the best thing ever!!

  2. Love the CD covers. So bright and funky!
    Peace, Tara


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