
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I Say Doilies, You Say Doyleys

This is the next upcoming exhibition at Gleaners Inc.

You could probably say that I'm a bit of a fan on the doiley... so I have my thinking cap on at the moment.

I had a few ideas floating around in the brain, and a little bit of spare time yesterday afternoon, so I made a little start on something.

It may not make it into the final edit.... but we'll wait and see.

PS - The exhibition is scheduled for late March, so there's plenty of time to get cracking for anyone who is interested in joining in.


  1. I'm glad the doilie has made a come back ... even if they are not used for their original purpose, and are now being re-purposed by creative people like you.

    Otherwise they just sit in someone's linen cupboard.

    Good luck Cam!

  2. This is such a great idea!
    Your plate of doilies looks veeery interesting! I'll have to make a start on something too, to get it sent down in time.XX

  3. Oooooh! I'd defo be interested in joining in (if it's o.k?) I love doilies too and use a lot of them in my jewellery work :) I can't wait to se what you come up with. I'm sure it'll be fabulous!! x

  4. I do love a doily or two , looking forward to seeing your piece x

  5. I am very intrigued. Can't wait to see what you do with these.

  6. Doily pizza! Just teasing, Pops. You always make magic from doileys...


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