
Monday, February 27, 2012

Sewjo...where for art thou?

I conducted a little totally non-scientific experiment on the weekend to try to pinpoint when my sewjo disappeared.

The carbon dating of my iPhone photos seems to indicate that it was somewhere around  February 3, although I'm quite sure that it was on a go slow for a couple of weeks prior.

With the forced hibernation due to the crazy hot weekend, I decided to set myself a challenge...

.... and thanks to my infatuation with Instagram, this is the finished result.

It took me all weekend in between faffing, drinking cups of tea, catching up on all of my Foxtel IQ'd shows, washing etc...

 Jeez.. there's that moon tan again!

...and thanks to the power of Instagram, when I had a little whine about how frustrating it is to 'turn out' softies,  Berene from Happy Sew Lucky pointed me in the direction of one of her tutorials.


Now she just needs some clothes.


  1. Oooh making the clothes will be very fun!

  2. Love the bright funky colours. I am glad you are getting your mojo back.

  3. Did you find my mogo too? I'd love it back if you do find it! Love the instagram progress shots of your softie, she's a real doll!

  4. Digging that purple hair...! xo

  5. I love that the SewJo is returning!! I have lost mine too but I think that's because my sewing machine has been buried under 5 other crafts…. Love the doll - she is adollable! x

  6. She looks great ! Maybe you've had other things on your mind , take care .

  7. She looks great Cam. Can you come up and find my sewjo too!

  8. It's back! Well done. Ironically I lost mine when I started blogging and it was meant to encourage me!

  9. my blojo has gone!
    I like how she joined you for lunch aswell, hope she isn't replacing Houdini dog.

  10. Hi Cam
    Thanks for the link. Hope you found my trick helpful. I have a collection of straws of different thicknesses for the job, and my kids love turning all my skinny bits right side out with them.
    Your doll looks so snazzy with her purple hair and fabulous pants suit. Does she have a name?
    Look forward to seeing what you whip up next, now that you've found your sewjo.


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