
Monday, February 20, 2012

Sunday Snippets... Saturday Road Trippin'

Saturday Morning - Middle of nowhere traffic jam for a CFA controlled burn off.

Saturday Middling - A visit to Red Brick for Blossom and Bloom

Saturday Lunchtime - Baconpalooza at Cafe Muzyka

Saturday Early Arvo - The Crafty Squirrel

Saturday Late Arvo -A detour to visit my sister

Saturday Evening - Back home.... just me and my moon tan.


  1. What a great Saturday! Very envious of it, particularly the gallery visit.

  2. Way to fun - I love the red bird picture.
    Looks like delicious lunch.

  3. Looks like you had a lovely weekend, but those bacon photos are doing me in. It always looks so yummy! Love that expression "moon tan". I've never heard it before. It fits me to a t. I'm so white people need sunnies to look at my legs!

  4. Looks like it was a fab weekend! xx


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