
Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Snippets

A little wrap-up of my week...

Playing Sunday Snippets with Tinniegirl - PS Check out the Pay What You Can Art Sale


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. love that last photo! he's such a sweetie, and boy does he love that spot on the couch hey?

  3. a certain parallel universe with yours and mine cam. food, stitches and doggies. perfect sunday goodness

  4. So much goodness here!
    I'm from a vacola-happy family myself, so that photo did make me smile.

  5. love the hearts & what a sweet pup!

  6. well houdini doesn't look that depressed this week :)

  7. So much love, happiness and memories here Cam ... even pics three and four aren't too scary while working towards keeping you beautiful!
    Plus fancy Fowlers still going strong?
    Have a wonderful week Gorgeous Cam xo.

  8. So much love, happiness and memories here Cam ... even pics three and four aren't too scary while working towards keeping you beautiful!
    Plus fancy Fowlers still going strong?
    Have a wonderful week Gorgeous Cam xo.


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