
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Outer fabric - Ruby Star Rising Viewfinders by Melody Miller for Kokka

You may have seen some sneaky peeks of this project over on Instagram.

It left on a jet plane with Jennie yesterday, and is probably touching down in the UK right about now.

The brief from Jennie was that she needed a camera bag that would fit her camera and her wallet, and could be slung over her shoulder.

Jennie provided the gorgeous fabrics for me to work with.

The other requirement was a pocket within the flap to hold things such as tourist maps.

There is a padded lengthways divider to separate her wallet and camera.

...and this is a pic that I stole from Jennie's FB page which shows the camera and wallet in place.

Now I'm just wishing that I was on that plane!


  1. You totally had me going there for a second, I thought where on earth are you going?!

    This is exactly the sort of camera bag I wanted to get you to make for me, then just left it way too late to organise, very jealous! xx

  2. Cam I really think you have outdone yourself this time , that is brilliant ! I really love this practical design and the fabric is amazing . This is fantastic !

  3. This bag is a work of art Cam - so much clever detail. The fabric is great too - perfect for the bag, Jennie chose well.

  4. What beautiful sewing - as always!! Love the viewfinder fabric - I loved viewfinders when I was a kid. My brother had one and would make us pay money to use it!! Ah...growing up in the country was such fun.......

  5. I was intrigued by the fabric so popped in for a squizz - a customer has just used the same fabric in a Piece of Cake Tunic - love the Bag! Is this a design you will make available to the rest of us?

  6. Cam, you are a freak, and I mean that with the highest regard xo

  7. Gorgeous work, Cam. Beautiful finish!

  8. Love this bag, I'm going overseas in September and am looking for something like this.

  9. Wow Cam - great camera bag! The fabric choice is awesome. (When i saw your blogpost title, I thought you were going on holiday!)

  10. Sorry i haven't been over for a while. What a great idea for a bag you could almost have it has a lunchbox bag to ;-) Im loving your cloth dolly's they are gorgeous and so pretty with your use and choice of fabrics. dee x

  11. Stunning Cam! It will bring happiness wherever it travels.

  12. I got to see it up close .... very nice job Cam!

  13. You wished you were on that plane? Ironic, I wished I was on the ground! The bag handled the DSLR, video camera, wallet, four passports and boarding passes. What a champ!

    I'm discovering the only downside of the bright colours on a natural background is I'm terrified of it getting grubby.

  14. dammit! i have that song stuck in my head now :p

    lovely bag!!

  15. just fabulous! you are a star Cam...

  16. I love this bag, just perfect for travelling.


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