Monday, April 16, 2012

My B-Fabulous Quilt

It's Brianna's Birthday today, and a perfect time to show off her magnificent lap quilt!

A little while ago, she hosted a fabric giveaway on her blog featuring fabrics from the Kate Spain Terrain collection. I had my fingers and toes and everything crossed as I desperately wanted to win (I mean seriously... all those pinks and oranges were screaming my name).

Well, imagine my delight when I found out that I was the lucky winner!

But what was even better about this particular giveaway is that B-Fab was well aware of my penchant for procrastination, and my lack of skill and motivation in the quilting department.

So, instead of just giving my the fabric, she transformed it into this absolutely beautiful lap quilt.

I love it (who wouldn't)???

I'm saving this one.... (not for the pool room), but I'm putting it away with my hospital suitcase, so that I'll have something soft and snuggly and comforting when the time comes.

Thankyou so much Brianna. I hope you have a super fabulous birthday!!!


Squiggly Rainbow said...

Love the colour combo! So clever! xx Rach... we are having a giveaway too over at my blog!

trudi@maudeandme said...

Those are certainly Curly Pop colours! Looks fab!

Christy クリスティ said...

It's fabulous! Love the happy colors and prints. :)

Cass said...

That's awesome Cam, so very you!

ZippyZippy said...

Looks great, very lucky indeed, perfectly you.

sister outlaws said...

You and that quilt are a match made in colour heaven!

Swirlyarts said...

Lucky you :) The colours are very Curly Pops aren't they?

willywagtail said...

I like the way your quilting mirrors the pattern on some of the fabrics. It will certainly be nice to have a piece of handmade bedding in the hospital. Hope it comes soon. Cherrie

Michelle said...

Gosh it's fantastic. B-Fab is a brilliant friend. So glad she made this for you! (also - you're a brilliant friend too and totally deserve nice things)


Lotti said...

The colour of this quilt is just gorgeous. How nice to have such a lovely friend to make it all into a quilt for you. Makes it even more special.

Cat from Raspberry Rainbow said...

It is fantabulous, and so, so very you! I hope you get to use it soon, Cam.
Cat xox