
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Batch o' Bibs

It seems like forever since I've had to drag out the snap press. Surprisingly, there haven't been many new bubbas arriving around these parts lately.

One of my girlfriends is a consultant/stockist of the Cushie Tushies range of re-usable cloth nappies, and now she's also going to stock my handmade bibs.

I couldn't resist making a couple using my Clark Loves Edna fabric (every Chic Geek Bubba needs one)!

My tapestry seems to make a lovely colourful backdrop!


  1. I love your bibs! They rooly truly are gorgeous!

  2. What a lovely stack of bibs. A new stockist is always exciting too :)

  3. Love these bibs!
    Especially with the Clark Loves Edna!x

  4. Gorgeous! Good link about the nappies too nudge nudge wink wink

  5. The bibs are fantastic - will have to get a few for the new bubba nephew arriving in September!


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