
Thursday, May 3, 2012

My Creative Space

There were plans for sewing this week but then...

Woohoo look something shiny and new!

My five minute attention span was diverted and I ended up getting sucked into a photoshop vortex.... testing and drawing and colouring and trying out lots of different tricks. It's not so scary now that I have some understanding of the technical side of things.

I'm promising myself that there will be sewing again sometime soon.


  1. what a neat looking site
    Im off to have a look :)

  2. What ever eventuates with that zigzag pattern, I want some of it! Fabric stuff maybe? Go on do it!

  3. Lookin' good Cam!
    Love the chevrons in your colours - gorgeous!

  4. I love a bit of photoshop vortex time wasting... ha ha ha :)

  5. Definitely think this is a very worthwhile vortex to get sucked into... am envious.

  6. Clever! I'm a bit intimidated by all that technology..x

  7. Haha, have fun in your vortex! Loving your colours too!


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