
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

The Frooch

I dropped off my Feather Your Nest exhibition piece at Gleaners Inc yesterday, along with some of my lovely new Frooches (thanks for the hilarious name Michelle)!

Photo blatantly stolen from Liz's Instagram Feed (@missbettyjo)

Liz just happened to glean this old bird cage on her way to work that morning. Serendipity? Fate? 'Tis a match made in feathery heaven.

I also stocked up on Nikki's You Sew Girl Patterns while I was out and about, including the Fedora which was featured in The Age on Saturday.

It's not long 'til I can reveal my finished MasterFeatherpiece

PS - You can also find Frooches in the shop!


  1. love the frooch and the exhibition sounds amazing.

  2. LOVE the name frooch!
    And can't wait to see what you've made for the exhibition!!X

  3. The Frooch! I love it and they are fine feathered items too. Very clever.


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