
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Off on a tangent... but I made a BAG

Why is it that when you have a billion (OK that might be a slight exaggeration) things on the MUST do list, that you take off on a completely different tangent?

I seem to be having trouble focussing on getting any one task finished at the moment. There are a multitude of half finished projects strewn about the place, more fabric designs in progress, and more new fabric already off being printed.

Some days I wish I had a clone so that I could just do the fun bits, and they could do the boring bits (like clean up the fabric explosion that happens every time I come up with a bright idea).

In the midst of the boring bits yesterday, I decided that I needed a new shopping tote bag, which co-incidentally was perfect timing for the Choose Your Own Bag Adventure Sew-Along.

I don't know why I didn't make one of these sooner. The Go Granny Cotton Canvas fabric is perfect for this type of application.

That's one bag down... at least one more to go!

How are you doing with your bag project?

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  1. a clone would come in so handy! they could do all the cleaning, then i could spend all my time drawing :D

  2. all the bits and pieces are expressions of your creativity! And you have a lovely bag to show for it, well done! I need to make one of these, been saying that for months, so now i think today is IT! Have a great day!

  3. Hello,
    I haven't been to visit your blog for a very longtime(haven't really visited many of late) you have been so busy & crafty it is so very inspirational!!
    Hope you are well:)

  4. that bag looks great, the width of the straps is perfect with the size of the print

  5. I LOVE this bag - you should so sell them in your store - perfect for Xmas.
    I have lots of those lists - but it's always more fun to divert & make something quick & fun to kinda keep you on track with your chores!

  6. I love love love it! The fabric gets me every time!!!

  7. Oh lord! I forgot I had intentions for the bag project.

    This is a beautiful bag that you have made.

  8. Looks good! The fabric for my bag came in the mail yesterday so now I have no excuse not to get started

  9. Cute! Love the simple lines of the design and the cool fabric.


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