
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Four Down Lots to Go

I have to confess that I'm currently no further along in the Choose Your Own Bag Adventure Sew-Along.

But, can you believe that we have four finishes already?

Little Boozle 2012

Tas from Little Boozle finished hers on Day 1. She made the Two Zip Hipster by Dog Under My Desk. Perfect for her upcoming overseas holiday!

Next up is a lovely You Sew Girl Large Satchel by Tan from Apple and Tangerine.

A gorgeous You Sew Girl City Bag by Bec from Beccasauras.

* Note - I don't currently have this pattern in stock, but if anyone would like it, just let me know and I'll order it in.

And how adorable are these little Sheriff bags by Jay from Finki?

As each bag is finished, I'm adding the blog links on my left hand sidebar. Make sure to pop on over and visit some of your fellow sew-alongers for all the details and lots more lovely photos of their bags.

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  1. I even cleaned off my sewing table and put my cut out skirt in my ready to sew pile so I might get over the (very late) finish line on that too sometime soon...

  2. Lots of fun here. Lovely bags for all occasions.
    I finished mine today and have put the pics in the Flickr group but now I need to pack it and head out to NCB.
    I'll do a post later.

  3. Those bags are awesome.

    Good job guys : o )


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