
Friday, September 21, 2012

Bunting Loveliness for Gleaners Inc

I'm so chuffed to be able to show off this custom bunting today!

A few weeks ago, Liz asked me to create something a little bit different than the everyday bunting, to use as signage for Gleaners Inc.

I went away and played around with the design in Illustrator and sent her about a bazillion pictures and emails. Ummmm sorry about that Liz - I was just a teensy bit over excited about the design process.

Anyhow, I had a little sample printed,  and then we decided on the finished design (which I love).

I totally forgot to take a pic from the rear, but I backed them all with vintage floral sheeting so that they're just as pretty from behind too.

I popped them in the post and....

Here they are!

If you'd like to see them for real, pop in to Gleaners Inc for a visit, or you may even catch a glimpse at the upcoming Finders Keepers Market.

If you're looking for something similar with custom lettering, just email me for a quote. I'm happy to take custom orders.


  1. Gorgeous. The colours remind me of the vintage canisters. Cherrie

  2. Looks like all your excitement about the process came through in the product--it's great.

  3. You are so cleaver and this looks like it fits the bill perfectly.
    wish I did live closer to that very cool shop. xx


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