
Tuesday, September 11, 2012


A little while ago, a lovely blog reader named Belinda emailed me to enquire about a Cornwall cushion that I'd made for a Gleaners Inc customer.

Her FIL has been researching the family history and it turns out that they're from Cornwall, so she wanted to surprise him with a special Fathers Day pressie.

I didn't have another of the same teatowel, but I did find a plain blue and white Cornwall teatowel in the stash, so I popped it in the post, and Belinda transformed it into this gorgeous cushion.

I love the way she has appliqued the feature pictures onto a background fabric to make them pop!

That's one very happy FIL!

Imagine my surprise last week when I found an unexpected parcel in the letterbox. Belinda made this super cute little tin for me.

I'm flabbergasted at how perfect the font and flowers are! Amazing...

Oh, and it has some sweet little vintage buttons inside too.

Thankyou Belinda!


  1. What a thoughtful gift she made for her FIL, and for you too. Lovely how the craft world works.

  2. Woo hoo, thank you for blogging my cushion!!
    Glad you like your tin, I must admit I was happy with it too!!

    It is lovely to share goodies in the crafting world.

    Cheers, Belinda xx


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