
Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Creative Space

Please excuse the poorly taken iPhone photos

I'm showing you yesterdays creative space, as it's much more exciting than todays!

Cathy and I headed to Jackson Cafe and Gallery yesterday and took on the art challenge. It was so nice to just be able to get together and do something creative and fun.

The idea is that bring along your own art supplies (I took my artist pens and textas) and after your brunch/lunch/coffee/cake etc, you're given a piece of artists paper and a time limit of 30 minutes to make a piece of art.

In around four weeks time, there'll be an exhibition, and visitors will be able to vote for a winner. The pieces will be sold with the money collected donated to a charity of the winners choice.

Such a brilliant idea!

Have you ever tried to create a piece of art in such a short time frame?

The home of my creative space


  1. Loving your bright and beautiful post of Curly Pop tulips!

  2. And the perfect opportunity for another happy day out when the exhibition come around. What a good idea.

  3. Gorgeous drawing. Some of the best art is quick art. It has a freshness that you loose when you worry over it.
    Fabulous idea too.

  4. what an awesome idea! Love it and love your art!

  5. I agree with Leonie - very different results when you have a limited amount of time!
    Love this - especially the odd number - always gotta be odd I think!xx

  6. Love this! Gosh you're talented.
    And I want to create some art there too!


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