
Thursday, September 27, 2012

My creative space

It's been Bibpalooza this week...

I've been cutting and sewing and pinking and turning out and pressing and topstitching and branding and labelling and tagging and.... (that's a lot of work sheesh)!

I finally finished the fifty bibs..... well almost.

There's just that little matter of a pesky fifty sets of snaps that need to be added. For those of you playing along on Instagram (my username is @curlypops), you might have seen the hashtag #fiftybibs a lot so far this week. Sorry about that.

That's mostly all that's been happening in my creative space...phew!

More creative spaces


  1. That's a lot of bibs. I reckon a single baby can get through 50 bibs in one week.
    I can see some very cute fabric prints here. Love the forest animal one.

  2. the flow rate is going to have to go wayyy up for 100 snaps!
    you're a bib making machine cam!!

  3. Wow, what a lot of work and what a gorgeous pile of bibs. Good luck with the final finishing off and a big hoorah when they're all done!

  4. thats a lot of bibs! i love them, they look great..x

  5. Great job!

    but.... can you tell me about that fabric on the top of the pile in the bottom pic on the left. It has the moose, deer, fox etc... never seen that one & I need it! lol

  6. Wow! You've been crazy productive!! Great fabrics for the bibs!

  7. You're a machine! Nearly finished though..and they're lovely.

  8. You reminded me of my son´s bib collection! Thanks for the memory. :)
    Yours have lovely fabrics and very tidy sewing.

  9. It's been fun watching you this week. I get bored after making a couple of something so the fact that you made FIFTY and in such a compact amount of time is amazing to me. And, can't believe I haven't been using pinking shears - I "hand pink" mine, takes me forever! Cyndy

  10. That's pretty darn impressive Cam! Well Done!

  11. Wow that is some production line....shame you didn't have a team of production workers on your side.....they look lovely. x

  12. Wow Cam! You are amazing! I don't know how you make them so quickly and so beautifully. :)


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