
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sunday Snippets

A trip to the country

A handmade gift for my sister

A beautiful gift from Julianne at Sister Outlaws


Official Op Shop Gold - mint condition, nothing missing and never played with

 Snoozin' Mr Limpy Houdini Dog

If only they could infuse a cappucino...

Making it up as I go along (hence the dinnerplates)

Chilly ankles

 Packing orders in the dark. I have this thing where I can't go to bed without making sure that all the orders that have come in are packed and ready to mail.... just in case the phone rings in the middle of the night.

Finishing the week with a rainbow

Sunday Snippets with Tinniegirl


  1. Op Shop Treasure ! An unused SPIROGRAPH !
    Gold ! Gold ! Gold !

  2. My dear old dad loved those spirographs, he used to sell them at a market stall! He's gone now, but it made me think of his funny ways!

  3. Ooh! I can envisage some cool designs from that spirograph Cam. Have you had a play yet???

  4. Love the hexagon necklace -
    and your new rainbow reels!!x

  5. OMG is Zouki coffee in every hospital? Have spent every day since Friday at the hospital (not for me) and have been drinking copious amounts of the stuff.

  6. I LOVED Spirograph! What a great find!

  7. Spirograph! Gold for Australia! I'd forgotten all about them. Wonder if my brother still has his. That is, indeed, a fantastic find!!!

    Love the crochet necklace.

    A lovely collection of snippets.

    Hmmm... Zouki is at the hospital near where I work... and the staff walk the 200m down the street to the nearby cafe. But when in need...

  8. but best of all is a contentedly snoozin' pooch! sweet dreams Mr Limpy Houdini.

  9. That is some op shop gold, or #opshopscore in the Twitterverse. You're gunna use it right? I can't wait to see the fabric patterns you knock out with this baby.

  10. So funny Jenny - at least they're actually an improvement in some cases!

  11. I used to love playing with my Spirograph! Great pics....lots of goodies!!

  12. I sooo have the same spirograph set at my parent's house - different box cover, but still... we spent a lot of school holidays together! Must get my kids' set out for them after school tomorrow!

  13. I have the same spirograph set, too! Mine has the same box and everything. Though mine is kinda battered. I keep meaning to get it out and make some designs; it's kind of zen to play with.

    What a great week you had!

  14. houdini looks very comfy on all those pillows :)

  15. that spirograph reminds me of my 12th birthday gift. mine was well used. i wonder where that old sucker got to? happy days cam

  16. I can't tell you how envious I am of the spirograph purchase.

  17. So much handmade goodies filling your week. xx


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