
Saturday, October 13, 2012

A Change is as good as a Holiday... right?

Well, that's what I keep telling myself... it's been a loooooong time since my last holiday, so I chopped all my hair off.

This is how little the Bubbas and Moo were back then. How things have changed....

Anyway, there was actually a point to this post.

I was going to tell you about the awesomeness that is the Blogtoberfest Giveaway list.

Make sure you go over and check it out and visit some of the lovely blogs that are having giveaways. I need to sort out my own giveaway too, but I need some ideas.

What would you like to win?

***apologies - the Linky Tools site seems to be down so you can't see the giveaway list. Fingers crossed it will be back up and running ASAP!


  1. I love a good chop. It looks gorgeous, Cam.

    I was contemplating the chop yesterday too. But then I stuck my hair into plaited pigtails (which I never do as I figure what I think might look cute might not actually look that cute on a 43 year old) and decided to hang in there for a while longer. But after summer...

    Missed Blogtoberfest again but I am certainly going to visit some of the blogs. Some lovely giveaways.

    Hope all is good with you. xx

  2. Spring = change your hair for me too Cam. Short hair gives you a lift! As for your giveaway - we love all of your wares! I have a soft spot for the sunglasses cases...

  3. Looks nice Cam. I love how nice a good short cut feels. In fact, I'm due for one too.

  4. A chop is great but maybe not on the coldest day of the year. Or had you already past that freaky weather. We got it on Friday and it sure was cold. I think your giveaway should include your signature colours. Cherrie

  5. cute hair cute
    I'd love one of your daisy necklaces!!

  6. I'm a short hair girl now too! enjoy the freedom and a bit of mess...the trick is getting 'bed hair' to look good and then we will all be on a winner!

  7. A gorgeous glimpse Cam. A new do always does something to your spirit doesn't it and you look gorgeous whichever do you choose ;)

  8. Your haircut is cute, I love the wispy ends. Maybe you could have a winner chooses something hand-made from the Curly Pops Shop?


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