
Monday, October 1, 2012

Blogtoberfest Day 1 - It's the beginning

Welcome to Day 1 of Blogtoberfest!

You may remember in previous years that there have been lots of lovely bloggy giveaways. Well, the same thing is happening this year.

If you would like to host a giveaway on your blog as part of the festival, then just pop on over to the Blogtoberfest Giveaway page, and add the details so that all of the other participants can find you.

Please try to stick to the same format (it just makes it easier to read):

  • Blog Name - What you're giving away - End Date
Of course, if you have any problems, just email me and I'll try to sort it out as quickly as I can. Go forth and be festivalled!


  1. Yipppeeeee third year for me plus am mega excited at catching up with beautiful bloggers like YOU Cam since I've slipped under the radar these last months. Kat's doing a sensaish job as are you. I'll sort something out for a giveaway soon. Hugs, Hugs, Hugs to YOU My Sweet.XO.

  2. yahooooooooo!
    happy blogtoberfest!

  3. Festivalled! Excellent...I love people who add new words to my vocab, particularly those that are so imaginative! Have just added a giveaway to your list. Soooo exciting!

  4. I'm so excited about this years Blogtoberfest and love the blog badge you created Cam - it is truly fabulous!

  5. Hi, I'm joining Blogtoberfest for the first time (started blogging last December) but wanted to pop in to say what a gorgeous badge you designed for Blogtoberfest!! Love it.


Thanks for your fabulous comment! Comments make me happy and smiley....
I try to reply so please make sure your email address is enabled in your id and not that silly no-reply comment blogger thingamajiggie!