
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

It's the final countdown - Blogtoberfest '12

Today's the day.... we made it!

31 days of posting each and every day for Blogtoberfest.

A huge thankyou to Kat from I Saw You Dancing for picking up the reigns and filling in for Tinniegirl this year as the hostess with the mostess.

Thankyou to each and every blogger who signed up for the challenge (there were 334 of you) Yikes!

Thankyou also for the 54 giveaways (some of which are still running so quick sticks).

I'll be back later thisevening to draw the winner of my giveaway. But first, I have veeeeeeery important trick or treating to attend to with the nephews.


  1. Thank YOU so much, Cam! I really couldn't have done it without you.
    That beautiful blog button that you made really sums up the whole experience for me: bright and moving.

  2. It´s been a great experience all around. Thanks for the button, one of my favourites ever. :D

  3. WOW Blogtoberfest has been great in so many ways Cam, You did a stupendous job! I do wish I'd got to visit more blogs.
    Head down bum up now as an exhibition opportunity has presented itself so have eight weeks to get it together. I work better under pressure ;~) Take Care Cam xo.

  4. An epic blogtoberfest! We made it! Had a sneak peek at Gleaners today and Cam! Your artwork is sensational!


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