
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Happiest Place In The World

Gosh the blogosphere is an amazing place.

Despite the fact that we only ever hear negative stories about blogging in the general everyday media, I have to say that the crafty blogosphere is one of the happiest places on earth. Maybe it's even our very own adult version of Disneyland?

May I present proof....

Specimen Number One:

This surprise package of loveliness arrived in my mailbox last week from Virtually Sally. Beautiful fabrics and thread (in my fave colours), crocheted coasters (gorgeous), a little granny square notebook to carry with me so I can record all of my brilliant crafty ideas on the run, and....

..... Rusty

He quickly made himself at home on the bookshelf.

Specimen Number Two:

B-Fab bought me this amazing Bacon Cookbook. It has every recipe you can ever think of that uses bacon... even desserts.

It's Baconpalooza brilliance!

Specimen Number Three:

Iona and I met up with Carly and her friend Jo at Finders Keepers on Friday night, and she'd bought me a pressie.

You can't really tell from my photo but it's the size of a matchbox.

I can't believe that she found something so teeny and tiny and beautiful with my name on it. She also didn't know that I'm a huge fan of Sweet William.

This is now living on my special treasures shelf.

So thankyou dear blogospherians.... you always make my days happier!


  1. That fabric is gorgeous, pink and orange is my favourite colour combo.

  2. People are good. I don't know why people go around saying "I hate everyone". They obviously don't know the right people! Or blog!

    Well deserved presents, I say! The notebook embelishment is inspired!

  3. Aw, lovely, Cam.

    Want that bacon book! Bacon is the best food group ever.

  4. how lovely! i had to laugh at the bacon book as my daughter proclaimed she was going to be a vegetarian until i asked her if she would like some bacon (her fav food)! its a great community in our bloggie world!

  5. What a joyful parcel. Nothing like it to lift the spirits!

  6. Lovely stuff! On media watch last night they said that bloggers were polite to each other and some more nice was good to hear..and i think he was a bit surprised that we could be so civilised with all the rubbish that goes on in communication generally. Wasn't that good.

  7. It's one thing to receive exciting surprise packages in the mail, but another entirely to open them up to find such amazing and well thought out pressies inside. Lucky you, you deserve a bit of extra love!

  8. adult disneyland! perfect!
    how sweet is that little book! gorgeous!

  9. What lovely pressies you are right meeting like minded friends and sending words, pressies or kindness is so very special. xx

  10. The blogosphere is such an amazing place, filled with lovely people. What lovely, thoughtful gifts you have received. <3

  11. Oh I love these presents - amd I love that you love your mini book!
    I also received a present in the mail - from a tweeter - a box of kitchenware :) Yay!
    Ps - I think you need to cook a bacon dessert amd blog the results.

  12. Oh I am so pleased that you liked your "suprise" package. It is hard to make for the person who can make everything ;)


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