Thursday, November 8, 2012

My Creative Space - The Yardage Design Studio

Artwork by Geek Amour

I had a little bit of a creative adventure last week that I've been bursting to share. I just had to wait for a sneaky little surprise package to reach it's destination before I could spill the beans!

My cousin Iona and I headed to the Yardage Design Studio at Abbotsford Convent to partake in some fun screen printing.

Here's Nic preparing t-shirts for my nephews.

I've never had the chance to screen print before, and I'm quite sure that I asked about a billion questions (sorry Nic), but I learned sooooo much! 

Nic and Iona printing onto a t-shirt

..... and here's the finished result. Brilliant!

In perfect timing, the Abbotsford Convent is having an Open Day this Sunday, so you can go and visit the Yardage Design Studio too.

Nic will have her entire range available for purchase on the day - all the details are here.

More creative spaces


flowerpress said...

Loving the baconpalooza!

Unknown said...

Oh! What a fun way to spend the day! I am so jealous! The t-shirt looks great, too.

Jody Pearl said...

Great - another reason to move to Melbourne!

Love the T-shirt Cam. x

Anonymous said...

Very nice way to present your work…. T-shirt looking awesome...

custom t shirts embroidered