
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday Snippets

Bibs bibs bibs.... now at Dorothy and Evelyn

Vintage bunting for Little Shop Of...

Getting snappy

Day of the Dead Exhibition Opening at Gleaners Inc

An ice cream sundae with a friend

Lazy Sunday morning...

Sunday Snippets with Tinniegirl


  1. So much colour. Gorgeous pic of the kids drawing table. But I really, really want a bacon sandwich now...

  2. Saw Jodies big news on her Blog and it's definitely worth a baconpalooza celebration!

    You always seem to have the busiest brightest weeks Cam.

  3. Hey everything looks so colourful your way. Especially love seeing kids sitting around the table colouring in....that's great!! your sundae as well, yummy.
    Cheers, Anita.

  4. Drooling at first picture.
    Your bibs are so colourful! Cool snappy machine. I was up at 5am today because my boy was going away on a school trip. Lazy Sunday sounds blissful. :D

  5. i really want a bacon sandwhich now lol

  6. Colour galore.....and getting those nephews of yours all drawing at mean feat I bet. x


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