
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Last Minute Santa Sacks

So this year I promised to be more organised for Christmas....

But, it never even crossed my mind to offer my Custom Santa Sack service, until a lovely customer who purchased one a few years ago actually requested another one.

So these were a little bit last minute!

Photographed in fading early evening light, and now packed up and heading to the post office for a very important mission.

Next year I promise to be more organised (ahem... cough)


  1. These are amazing ~ you should definitely go into production next Christmas! x

  2. They are AMAZING! Absolutely love them!

  3. cough... cough.... OK we'll both be more organised next Christmas.! hope yours is a Happy One. Love the Santa Sacks, and Bec's top, that's a keeper for sure.


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