
Saturday, December 1, 2012

#reverb12 Day One - How are you starting?

What a great prompt from Kat today to begin the month.

How are you starting this last month of 2012?

Take a moment, close your eyes, take a deep breath and ask yourself the question: how do you feel...

... in your body? in your mind? in your day job? in your creative life? in your heart?

My answer to this question would have to be 'frazzled'
I hate complaining. I really do. So, I rarely complain out loud.

It's day 457 on the transplant waiting list.

I'm constantly multi-tasking between doctors / hospitals / medical treatments / my craft business / contract admin work / writing work / learning new skills / socialising.... oh, and throw in a kitchen reno too.

My brain is a jumble of ideas which I would love to make a reality.... but I'm stuck, and there's nothing I can do but wait some more.


  1. Cam, you are the quiestest, most infrequent complainer I know, considering. Your inner strength and acceptance is amazing. Admirable. I hope 2013 is your year. New lungs, put those plans into action.

  2. I have just been introduced to the idea of seriously waiting and a new slant on my health and not being able to do whatever I might like any more. I hope when I get to day 457 from my starting point I am as positive as you. Your flower brooch always reminds me of you. It is fitting that it was a rainbow one don't you think!

  3. When Kat suggested I join in this I immediately thought of you. How insignificant the little things in my life are compared to yours Cam. I've learnt to rarely complain and You constantly inspire and motivate me to remain positive! I'll keep waving the magic wand, wishing on a star and saying a little prayer that your waiting will be over ;)XO.

  4. Let's pray for 2013 to be your year of extraordinary health. x

  5. I do really pray that 2013 will be your year. sometimes when I'm sewing I pray that those lungs will turn up for you. You never complain, really... an inspiration to us all. 457... so many days. {{hugs}}

  6. It was a great question from Kat. I hope the waiting is over soon Cam. It's the worst place to be - can't go forward, can't go back. Bring on 2013 and new beginnings for us all.

  7. I hope that your wait is over soon Cam. xo

  8. It's good to air and vent - but I know what you mean about complaining. You are one patient pussy cat!

  9. Deb's right Cam - you are an inspiration. I so hope you don't feel frazzled for much longer.X


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