
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Because everyone should have a peacock top with matching curtains

I found this gorgeous peacock print cotton voile on the clearance table at Spotty a couple of weeks ago.

I've been looking for something to replace the curtain that screens off my workspace from the rest of the open plan living area for a while now. There was a little over five metres left so I bought all of it....

....and came home and whipped up two curtains.

There happened to be just enough left for a top, so I thought why not?

It's a little bit short, as I had an issue with the bottom binding and had to cut it off and redo, but I'm going to have to wear a top undeneath anyway as it's a bit too see through for my modest self.

I'll just have to remember not to stand in front of the curtains!


  1. How very Sound of Music of you! Love both of them and will mention that I made a dress a couple of weeks ago and then promptly saw the exact same fabric in the curtain shop. Now I can't get the curtain idea out of my head! I respectfully request a pic of you in your top in front of the curtains.

  2. Beautiful material and a lovely top.

  3. That fabric pattern is GORGEOUS and the curtains and top you've made from it are just as gorgeous...maybe we'll see a pic of you wearing it sometime, though I'd really LOVE to see a pic of YOUR DAD wearing the wonderful cap you made for him!! Well done =-)

  4. No - you should stand in front of the curtains!

  5. Gorgeous Top Cam ... one for me too!

  6. Don't you think Spotlight has really improved its range and quality of fabrics over the last year or two? Great curtains and I love the placement of the peacock on the back of your top.

  7. Clever girl...the curtains are very pretty and make a lovely top too. xx

  8. I LOVE that fabric! I bought some too and have made a summer dress from it!

  9. Go on - re-enact that scene from the movie "Garden State" and take a photo standing in front of the curtains!!!

  10. Cam - o - flauge of the highest order!
    Love it!
    Also love the cap you made your dad xx


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