
Monday, January 7, 2013

More sewing for me

I've been sewing up a storm over the last week, and now have a few more handmade pieces to add to my wardrobe.

There's just that little matter of cleaning the wardrobe out of all of the clothes that I no longer need or wear...

I've  been hoarding saving this fabric for the perfect dress. It was a bit of a surprise purchase as I had a GJ's voucher that was about to expire just before Christmas 2011, and no time to actually go to GJ's, so I gave it to Bec with instructions to choose a large scale floral in red/orange/pink. She couldn't have chosen anything more perfect!

This is a bit of a mash up of patterns again.

The bodice is the top half of the Vintage Simplicity 5007 again, with the neckline lowered, and the skirt is the Lisette Passport Dress again.

This time when I cut the skirt pieces, I added three extra inches in width at either side of the CF and CB, so that I could make the three pleats on either side at the front and back.

I used a small binding on the armholes, a large binding on the neckline and just gave it a minimal hem.

I sewed it up and then realised that I'd forgotten the in-seam pockets. Thank goodness I hadn't overlocked yet!

I even managed to set them in at the correct height this time *win*

I desperately tried to take a selfie to show me actually wearing it, but it was 42 degrees celsius and I ended up with a whole lot of blurry photos / me with my eyes closed / head chopped off etc... so this is the best of a bad lot.

This is seriously the most comfy dress ever. I LOVE IT!


  1. Gorgeous fabric! I love the summer header...I usually read via google reader so I may be bit slow onthe updatd....more clever adobe work? Clever you! Keep cool...we are in 40+ heat in Adelside today so kerp your aircon on!
    Cheers Tracy.

  2. It's perfect Cam! And also very perfect for this weather we've all been having lately. I need to make a few summery cotton frocks - have the same two and I'm wearing them to death!

  3. oh it is WONDERFUL!
    what a clever clogs you are!

  4. So gorgeous and bright. You look so hot today Cam, like a sunrise!

  5. Love it! The fabric is soooo your colours!

  6. Love it! The fabric is soooo your colours!

  7. That dress is divine. The colours and the shape!
    How nice that you are making things for yourself!

  8. looks great on you, nice and bright

  9. I LOVE the fabric, it is so you, Bec knows you so well.


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