
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Sunday Snippets

 Oppy Find

 Hexie Thief

 Random Act Of Kindness - an all day parking ticket was left in the coin slot at the hospital when I went in for Transplant Clinic this week.
I folded it up and put it back in the slot for the next person as I was leaving.

 Gorgeous tin from blog reader Belinda is now my Hexie tin

 Beautiful gift from Kat
 Snippets from my sisters kitchen

Sunday Snippets with Tinniegirl


  1. Can I have your sister's kitchen? PLEEAASE!!!!!!!!!

  2. oh! oh! I have the same canister set as your sister!

  3. Lovely selection!

    Great idea about the parking ticket. I often wonder how I can give mine to someone when there's no one around. Problem solved!

    Love your sewing assistant. Mr Limpy Houdini is one cutie pie.

  4. awww look at those fuzzy ears :D

    the hospital here will charge people if they give away any tickets with time left on them :/ £3.00 for parking is insane


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