
Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Gift of Life

  by CurlyPops
, a photo by CurlyPops on Flickr.

The most amazing thing happened recently.

My mobile phone rang at 3am and the Donor Co-ordinator was on the line telling me that there were some new lungs waiting for me.

I was able to leave ICU on Valentines Day, and now I'm on the respiratory ward recovering.

I can't write much about the experience at the moment as I'm still working hard on my recovery. It's a day by day roller coaster of emotions.

I am so truly grateful to my beautiful and generous donor family. My life has been on hold for so long, and now I have a chance to really LIVE.

If you're the praying type, please say a prayer for my donor. I certainly will be.

Cam x


  1. Baaaah what to say - I want to be serious, I want to be silly.

    I want to say 'Nice set of lungs' in a lewd manner....

    I'm so glad that your limbo has stopped and you got to call BINGO! I am very sorry for the loss of the donor family but so,so glad they could see past their pain for the greater good. Lets hope that becomes a normal way of thinking for the general population.

    Heal well Cam.

    Love Ab xx

  2. I heard a rumour you'd got your phone call. Congrats and best of luck for your recovery.

  3. Oh, Cam. I was wondering where you had turns out in the best place possible.

    I am so, so happy for you. Bloody brilliant. You take it easy. I look forward to your adventures from here on in.

    Bless organ donors. xx

  4. Wishing you a fast recovery! God is good!

  5. I was thinking this must have finally happened for you.

    Prayers for all and for your recovery.

  6. Oh Cam, that is fabulous news. My thoughts are with you and the donors family. Take care and wishing you a speedy recovery.

  7. Oh Cam that is simply the best news every! So happy for you! You are looking fabulous already, hope the recovery goes fantastically well and you a back sewing and blogging real soon. Here's a big internet hug because I know how much the real thing would hurt at the moment. O

  8. Prayers sent for you, your donor and both your families.
    ~quick healing vibes~

  9. Yet again I have no words.

    I think I'll just have another little cry (total tears iof joy) and say a big prayer for you and your donor family and your donor instead.


  10. I just read about your wonderful news on facebook...I was so happy for you I nearly cried. Best wishes to you and RIP to your generous donor. xxx

  11. wow, such wonderful news. I hope you make a fast recovery.

  12. Oh Cam! You've been given the gift of life. Such wonderful generosity! Such amazing technology! Such thrilling news for you and your family! Take a deep breath and feel the love. x

  13. Prayers for you and the donor's family too, wishing you a speedy recovery. Love and hugs.

  14. Squeal...that is fantastic news ...wondered where you had been...can't wait to see what life will have for you now. Take care and speedy recovery. xx

  15. Prayers of thanks and healing. Well wishes from the States.

  16. Congratulations! My best wishes and warmest hugs to you.

  17. I was so happy to hear about your new set of lungs, Cam. Hope you feel stronger every day. Any idea when you'll be ready to go home?

    Bless all organ donors and their families who carry out their wishes.

  18. What a generous gift a family has given you. I know if I was in the same situation as the donors family, I too would give that gift. No words beyond awesome.


  19. It was so good to see you missing for a few days and then find out you had received the call. Just wonderful news but will always come with that sad attachment of another's loss. Cherrie

  20. Just all 'round wonderful. (I may have mentioned that already). A gift of bittersweet - but oh, WHAT A GIFT.

  21. All the best Cam. Thinking of you and your donor family and wishing you all well.....

  22. Cam - I'm SO pleased for you. What a wonderful gift. I wish you a speedy recovery and a life full of happiness and wellness and steady breathing.

  23. I just saw your post come up in my feed and I thought to myself, 'hey you haven't posted in a week or so... I wonder....'. It's wonderful news. Best wishes on your recovery.

  24. This is amazing news and I am so happy to hear! I hope and pray for your quick recovery! <3

  25. Fantastic news Cam - you look amazing! All the best for a speedy recovery and I'm looking forward to seeing what you get up to once you're home. x

  26. Seeing you yesterday was amazing- and led to even more amazing conversation in the car. When your 9 yr old understands enough to say 'i'll make sure I donate your organs Mum if anything happens' you feel that all will be ok in the world. That family has my utmost respect and admiration for such a difficult choice- but they would be at peace knwing what an amazing person the lungs went to! Love ya heaps XX

  27. Hi Camille,
    Just came across your blog.
    that is brilliant news re: your transplant.
    All the very best for a speedy and uneventful recovery.

  28. So happy for you. All the best for a speedy recovery!!

  29. Aw honey, what awesome news :-)

    So sad for the donor family but so wonderful that their special person was able to help you out.

    Best Wishes to you for a speedy recovery and many thanks to the family of the donor for their generosity.

  30. I hope the donor family gets the opportunity to know that their loved one's lungs have gone to such a very good home.
    All the very best to you Cam, I am so pleased to see that you will get your chance to live life to its fullest.

  31. Fabulous news Cam - what an amazing gift you have received. All the best for your recovery. xx

  32. Yay Cam! I was so happy to hear about your new lungs & even happier to see your positive progress with them too. And I have to admit although I was super happy for you, I did feel super sad for a family out there who had to make that decision about donorship, My heart goes out to them & to any other families suffering loss. But my heart is also super happy for those, like yourself, that have been given a new lease on life!

  33. I heard some whisperings through the creative grapevine and I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! I can't wait to see what you do in the years to come =-)

    Of course I am sorry to hear that a life had to end so yours could begin, but isn't that part of the Circle Of Life? I will certainly send along prayers/thoughts for the donating family to heal during their time of grief.

    Congratulations on this long awaited gift to arrive for you Cam!!

  34. This is very exciting for you Cam! You are very lucky, even after such an incredibly long wait. Thank goodness for generous families and individuals who give even after they have gone. Best of luck with your recovery. x

  35. Been thinking of you all week,sending lots of positive, healing thoughts & love your way!

  36. Been putting out good thoughts for you, your family and the fabulous donor family! Rest up!
    Tracy x

  37. Such wonderful news. I hope your recovery is swift.

  38. Absolutely fantastic news - hope you are mending well - love to you and the beautiful donor family

  39. Ditto to all of the above, what more can I say! :) And wishing you all the best for a fantastic and speedy recovery. Thoughts with you and yours and to the family who have given you this precious gift!

  40. Wishing you all the best for your recovery xx

  41. Yay, congratulations. All the best for your recovery.

  42. thinking of you everyday Ms Curly x

  43. This is amazing, wishing you a very speedy recovery

  44. Wonderful news! Thought it was a bit quiet on the blog front.
    Hopefully in their grief the donor family knows that something wonderful has come of their brave and selfless gift. We all know they have gone to a very grateful and well deserving recipient.

  45. when i read this on facebook, it was such wonderful news, was really hoping you would get that call as soon as possible :) heres to a quick and stress free recovery

  46. What a special gift.Take care of yourself and all the best for a speedy recovery x

  47. Following the story on Twitter and Instagram and feeling the emotions all the way. Hugs Cherrie

  48. Awww Cam, I'm not a real prayer but I sure will say one for you and your donor family.

    All the love in the world to you all. xx

  49. Out of tragedy comes new life and a second chance. Oh Cam! Cam! I've been following your blog, always hoping I'd see an entry like this.

  50. oh wow!
    such great news!

    and oh, i pray that your donor's family is greatly blessed.

    i say, when i quit workin', if there's anything left that works, give it to somebody who needs it!

  51. So happy to know that you are recovering well and on the way to LIVING. I am absolutely thrilled for you and your family.
    A generous gift by a selfless person who obviously let their family know their wishes.
    I will say a prayer for your continued recovery and good health as well as saying one for the donor family to help them remember the specialness of their loved one during their grief. I will also say a prayer and light a candle for the amazing person who thought of others whilst still alive, that they rest in peace.
    What is that saying that goes something like, 'Don't take your organs with you when you die, heaven knows we need them here'? It's so true.

  52. This is the best news I've heard all week. I'm thrilled for you Cam, thinking of you in this tough and emotional recovery. x

  53. I'm so thrilled for you Cam, congratulations!! Wishing you well xx

  54. O my gosh, how absolutely wonderfully amazing!! Congratulations and many many healing vibes for you. Thanks goodness for generous families of organ donors xx

  55. rest easy and repair well Cam, you are so brave and so positive. i will be thinking of you and the donor family.
    Love from michelle

  56. Thinking of you and the donor family. A wonderful event for you at the same time as another family are grieving yet are strong enough to give someone else a chance at a full life must be both exciting and sobering. Stay strong and make your recovery your number one work in progress.

  57. Nice gift and I hope you get well soon!

  58. Congratulations on the new airbags!

    I'm catching up on the past 10 days of blog posts, and I just saw a bit of CurlyPops on my mum's quilt blog. A quilter has used one of your fabrics to recreate an American Civil War-era applique quilt block! I bet that's a pairing you didn't anticipate when designing your lovely fabric.

    I can picture your donor family's circle of loved ones doing many beautiful things for them to comfort them during this life transition.

  59. Such wonderful news, all the best for the recovery process.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. What wonderful news. You look amazing. I will absolutely pray for your donor family. It is such an incredible thing to be an organ donor and a very special family indeed that honors this through their grief. Best of luck with your next chapter. I am thrilled for you.

  62. What fabulous news!! Oh I hope your recovery isn't too long and you are up and about in no time at all. Sending lots of good vibes your way:)

  63. Mwah, Mwah with Gentle Hugs You look beautiful :)

  64. Just came for a first visit,good luck and hope you re up and running in no time!

  65. Blessings to you and your new lungs - hope you are making good friends with one another. Praying for you and for the donor's family. God bless you all with comfort, strength and love. Shedding a tear for you all. Endings and beginnings.

    I know I don't know you in real life, as it were, but sending you love xxx


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