
Friday, March 8, 2013

A Piece Of Cloth

Photo courtesy Gleaners Inc - that's my dress on the left

Tonight was the opening night of A Piece Of Cloth at Gleaners Inc

Unfortunately I couldn't make it to the opening, but thank goodness I was thinking ahead, and had all of my pieces completed before that middle of the night phone call came through.

I didn't get a chance to photograph my dress, so I've borrowed one of Liz's lovely photos (above).

From the very beginning, I wanted to take my piece of cloth, use it as inspiration, design my own fabric, and make a dress for the exhibition.

This was my original mocked up design inspiration for the finished dress.

I couldn't stop at one design.... so I included them all in some cards

To finish it off, I also designed a one-off cushion featuring some of my designs.

I can't wait to actually get over to Brunswick to see it...


  1. I didn't know it was your dress when I first looked at the photo but it caught my eye immediately. Absolutely beautiful as is your pillow as well as the different designs on the cards. Cherrie

  2. I love this dress. You are so talented :) can't wait to see what you come up with now you have your shiny new lungs.
    Ps - I thought of you when I wrote my IWD post today. I said to mum last week, you're one of the truest friends I've made through blogging.

  3. Super-duper excellent! Love the cushion too!!

  4. I love the dress style and the colours you chose for your designs are fantastic.

  5. Well Done Cam Your Dress looks Fabulous on the Model...
    Hope All is Going Well

  6. FABULOUS dress, Cam!! I would wear it if it came in my size =-)

  7. What pattern did you use for the dress Cam or is it one of your creations using a mix of patterns.

    How ya feelin? How are ya coping with the weather?

  8. Cam I went over to Gleaners on Friday, loved your dress, loved everything there actually! what a load of talent all squeezed into one small space!! Hope you are making good progress and look forward to seeing you soon.

  9. Lovely dress - what fab fabric. And the cushion is great - what a kaleidoscope. Would you consider doing the fabric in different colourways?

    Warm wishes for continued progress. LIke Carly said, you're inspirational.

  10. I love them all, especially the cushion. But the dress is amazing lets just stick with me loving them all :)


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