
Monday, March 18, 2013

If you can't sew...

 .... then you just have to find something else to make.

I actually designed and ordered these beautiful Tassie Blackwood hearts before I received the call, and they arrived while I was in hospital.

Serendipitously, they've worked out to be the perfect solution to my medical sewing ban.

Each heart contains one of my original designs, either in wallpaper or fabric. They're the perfect gift for someone you love.

They'll be available at Gleaners Inc tomorrow.


  1. Woo hoo!!! Great to see you crafting again. Hope your new lungs are starting to make a difference to your life.

  2. What a clever idea! I always take my tiny sewing bag with me when I go on holidays as well as a couple of thin crochet hooks and fine crochet cotton. The little bag holds all my embroidery threads, a few other threads , needles and some calico. If I feel crafty when I am away I always have the basis for handiwork. I did know a girl who took her sewing machine on holidays but that is a bit extreme. Cherrie

  3. These are so gorgeous Cam! When are you allowed to sew again? I know it's when you're healed but how long does that take? If you're anything like me you're probably chomping at the bit to get back to sewing, if only because they they tell you can't! xx

  4. There is no keeping this girl down! They look fabulous...and well done on another unique product!

  5. So cute. I love them, retro and modern all at once.

  6. These are really beautiful! Perfect way to spend crafty time while you can't use your machine :)


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