
Friday, March 22, 2013

What a Week

Waiting.... with cankles

Gosh it's been a crazy week. There has been a total of zero craft happening which is unheard of around these parts!

Thankyou for all the lovely comments on my last post. I usually reply personally, but I just totally ran out of time.

I was at the hospital four out of five days this week.

On Wednesday my first appointment was at 8.30AM and the last one at 4.15PM. Then I needed to be back at 8.15 Thursday morning for a bronchoscopy (they do these routinely to check the lungs for rejection/infection etc).

So instead of driving home, my sister and I booked a nice hotel near the Alfred and treated ourselves to a night out.

I felt like something asian-ey or noodle-y so we headed into the city. It's still so surreal to me that I can just decide to do something on a whim!

We headed to Flinders Lane with the intention of heading to Chin Chin, but the line was out the door so we kept walking (uphill - what a novelty) and found wagamama.

The food was delicious! I treated it a little bit like the last supper as I had to fast before Thursday morning.

The Atrium at the Park View

On Thursday morning I headed back to the hospital, and the lovely admin lady started to process my booking in paperwork. Then she asks me for my occupation. I was stumped. Is Professional Hospital Patient an occupation? She settled on unemployed. I hate that word.

Anyway, the bronch went well. I still have a bit of an anaesthetic hangover today, but I managed to make it through my entire gym workout, so that was great.

I don't really like the music that they play in the hospital gym, so I headed to the shops afterwards to reward myself with a new toy.

Now I'm off to load it up with my music!


  1. Red is the best! Looks like you had a nice stay in the city, well deserved :-)

  2. Nice reward after an eventful week. Have a super lovely weekend. xx

  3. Sounds like some nice treats. Surely your occupation is designer, artist or crafter?

  4. I agree with Jo, designer or artist ....I don't like the other term very much either...

    glad you are enjoying your freedom at long last!

    I think mine will be green or blue...

  5. Say it loud, and say it proud - "I am a designer!" ;)

  6. Definitely DESIGNER and then some! Or you could call it owner/manager of the Curly Pops Design Company. It sounds like your healing-rehab is more than a full time job. Congratulations on your out to dinner on a whim and hill-walking extravaganza.

  7. Designer, craftisan?

    Well done on a good week!

  8. def artist, not unemployed! If i can't put artist down, I put student, but will argue with people who want me to put unemployed on forms

  9. Cam I am so happy for you that you can do all these normal things now. Your posts just keep bringing a smile to my face. The cankles looks like they are going down a bit too!

  10. How amazing to do all these things that have been out of your reach in the past - well done on the workout too.

  11. it sounds like you are doing well Cam. you are amazing. i recognise the pool at your hotel. we spent new years eve there with the kids, so much fun. i use cpap at night and sometimes throw the cursed nasal pillow against the wall. i bet you find it pretty easy going after lugging O2 aound for so long. enjoy the hills and talking whilst walking, all the things that we take for granted, you sure did earn the right to enjoy your new found freedom. much love mx

  12. It has been a little while since I checked into blogland - and now I'm all teary - you've got new lungs! So excited - this is just so so wonderful. Here's to walking up hills and not getting tangled up i your oxygen tubes and to fantastic new adventures with your new windbags. So ACE!!!

  13. What an awesome little toy. I need one for my new found gym hobby :) The hotel looked lovely and walking uphill and proud of your new lungs. xx Craftiness will be there when you're ready too, so you concentrate on recovery ...oh and occupation...your a designer, silly. xx

  14. Definitely designer. Or why not try "Super Pops" - surely Superman doesn't need to write his occupation on a form, because the name says it all? Doesn't that apply to you too?!

  15. What, she had not heard of CurlyPops? She needs to get out more. Definitely a designer!
    So happy to read that you are doing well and enjoying your new air bags!


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