
Monday, April 29, 2013

Almost 40


I don't usually make a fuss of my birthday, but this year I have lots to celebrate.

 I forgot my camera - thank goodness for iPhones!

I decided to have an Almost 40 celebration with a group of gorgeous friends (sheesh I'm getting old)!

Carly suggested The Tea Room at NGV - and I must say it was a brilliant suggestion!

The scones were absolutely delicious!

Photo courtesy of my sister

We had a beautiful table overlooking the waterwall. The food and the service was excellent. I would highly recommend it for a fun afternoon.

How do you know when you have a table full of bloggers? They all whip out their iPhones when the food arrives for a bit of synchronised instagramming... 

I received some gorgeous pressies... will have to blog them tomorrow. Thanks so much for coming along to ladies - it was the perfect birthday celebration!


  1. Happy birthday, and best wishes for many, many more!

  2. Happy birthday! I love that your friends all whipped out there phones. Through the power of social media, I felt like I was right there at the party with you. Looks delicious.

  3. Love the idea of an 'almost 40' party! Looks like you had a great time. Happy birthday!

  4. Yummoh!!! That chocolate mousse looks devine. Happy almost 40!!

  5. Happy Birthday Cam!
    Love that it was an Almost 40 celebration!

  6. Looks yum! Happy birthday :-)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Happy Birthday Cam, that looks absolutely delicious and so nice to spend the day with wonderful friends.

  9. Happy birthday you! You lovely lady. xxx

  10. Happy almost 40th Cam you deserve it after a very busy year!

  11. Happy Almost birthday to you...the fun just keeps coming for you . xxxx

  12. You do have lots to celebrate. And you know what, turning 40 is nothing to be afraid of - it's an awesome age.

  13. Happy Birthday! If I could be doing what you are doing when I'm forty then I'm looking forward to it! Food looks scrumptious yum yum.

    x eva

  14. It was such a nice afternoon! Glad you have your taste for cake back :)

  15. Happy Birthday! Looks like a lovely get together!

  16. was such a lovely time Cam, and can't think of anyone I'd rather celebrate! Thanks for having me!! xo


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