
Friday, April 26, 2013

I Ride My Bicycle - Part 2

I've been making the most of this beautiful Autumn weather that we're having, by getting out and about to ride my new bike.

My Physiotherapist recommended an APP named Runkeeper, to track exercise progress. I really like it! You can set it to give updates along the way, so I have mine set for every five minutes. It tells me how many minutes I've been riding for, how far I've travelled, and my average speed.

This fantastic bike path along the river is only about two blocks from my house, and for all these years, I haven't been able to use it. I'm now trying to make up for lost time.

My two eldest nephews joined me yesterday morning. Luckily they rode slow enough that I could keep up!

I have a little route that I've set myself along the path. It's just over five kilometres. I might try to increase the distance next week, except that I'm at the hospital four days out of five so I'm not sure how much time or energy I'll have left for riding.

Spotted these guys along the way yesterday - perfect weather for a bit of kayaking!


  1. So good to see you getting out and exploring on your bike - have fun!

  2. Yay, go you! 5km already? Them new lungs are fantastic!

  3. I've been using runkeeper for a while now for my jogging. It's great.

  4. I'm wondering how long you will be able to resist kayaking? I love seeing you out and enjoying something that most of us take for granted.

  5. 5 km! That's almost my ride to work! You're amazing.

  6. Fantastic're the post op poster girl methinks!

  7. Wow 5km already - I'm impressed Cam - that's fabulous. Great to see you are out in the sun enjoying it.

  8. You are amazing. So, so happy that you are able to do this (5 kilometers !) so quickly after your operation. Cherrie

  9. Give it a few months and it'll be you on the kayaks!

  10. Fantastic, Cam! And lucky your birthday isn't mid-winter and you get to soak up all this autumnal sunshine!

  11. you will be riding with me sooner than you think!! We will have to have a bike date... I will ride my hybrid rather than my beast :)

  12. That's exciting getting out and exploring right on your doorstep. xx

  13. Go Cam, you are a fantastic role model. Annie

  14. that's awesome Cam! and I totally impressed, 5km I couldn't do that! xo

  15. that's awesome Cam! and I totally impressed, 5km I couldn't do that! xo

  16. that's awesome Cam! and I totally impressed, 5km I couldn't do that! xo


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