
Sunday, April 21, 2013

I Ride My Bicycle

So many amazing and wonderful things have happened this year. I never could have guessed that there was more to come!

Yesterday I went over to Cathy's house. We'd planned to go out for lunch, and I'd asked if I could take her bike for a test ride before I began looking at bike shops myself.

When I arrived, she said that she had a surprise for me..... and OMG what a surprise it was!

A big group of beautiful friends had all contributed to buy me a new bike!  UNBELIEVABLE!

I took it for a test spin straight away.

I haven't been able to ride a bike for well over ten years. I was a little bit wobbly at first, but I managed to stay upright.

We went to the bike shop so that I could choose a helmet and a bike lock.

I came home and rode laps of the park with the nephews.

It was soooooo much fun!

There was a huge envelope full of gorgeous birthday cards too.

Thankyou so much to Cathy for pulling off such an amazing feat and keeping it a secret, and thankyou one and all to my beautiful friends.

Best early birthday pressie ever!!!


  1. Hooray!! So glad you like it Cam ~ you and your bike look like a perfect match ~ both bright and pretty! Happy riding! x

  2. Bloody hell, Cam - you have me crying all over agoiain. I'm so very, very, totally-overwhelmingly happy to see you on that bike, and feel very priveleged to have been invited to be a part of bringing it to you. You deserve many more good things and I hope they come your way.

  3. Fantastic present - have fun Cam!

  4. So fabulous! I have no words. :)

  5. It's still a wonder seeing you free of tubes and tanks - those pictures of you on a bike are like something from a dream! Ride safe Cam. x x x

  6. No words. Just smiling as I read your blog entry.

  7. i 2nd Nikki's comment- all teary, and so happy I was invited to help out! It's such a small gesture from me, to all the friendship you've given me over the years, and hey, i'm chuffed I can help someones dreams come true! (And now I dont have try and think of a crafty pressie to make you haha- you have everything crafty!)

  8. Lovely post! So excited that you can tick something off your new lungs bucket list :) You deserve all the happiness and fun times ever x

  9. Wow! This birthday is more like a rebirthday isn't it!
    Go like the wind, Cam!

  10. That is such an awesome present and what an amazing bunch of friends you have there!! Happiest of *early* birthday's to you!!


  11. Check you out on your pretty pink ladybike! What a great present from some special loving friends. I will look for you on the bikepaths!

  12. So much progress in such a short time. You continue to amaze me. Good on you Cam.

  13. Yahooo!!! Those nephews are going to have to work hard to keep up with you now! So many amazing things await you now Cam, this is just the beginning! We should make the entire lead up to your birthday The Festival of Cam! xx

  14. Fantastic! I think you should take one of these photos into the transplant ward at the hospital to encourage all the ingoing transplantees!

  15. Go Curlypops! You'll be leaving the nephews in a trail of dust soon :-) xoxo

  16. Oh you have got me all teary now, woman. What a lovely post to read.

    Soon you'll be blogging postcards from all over the place. I am looking forward to reading them.


  17. Far out Cam, that is just fabulous. A whole bundle of awesome + beautiful + miraculous all rolled up and sprinkled like spokey dokes over your gorgeous hot pink + lime bike. That feeling of riding a bike for the first time in so many years - thanks to your new lungs - must have been magic. thanks for sharing this fabulous story of friendship + love, and your lovely pics. x

  18. Awesome Cam you look great on the bike and it is so wonderful that you are on it. Have fun

  19. How wonderful to have such great friends. You'll have lots of fun with your bicycle. Many happy returns.

  20. What wonderful friend and even more wonderful that you can now ride it.

  21. Oops, I meant "friends" in comment above.

  22. The shot of you on the bike with your nephew beside you makes my heart feel warm Cam - I am so so happy for you.
    Looking forward to the future cycling adventures of Curlypops. There's a great bike path outside my back gate when you feel like exploring further. xx

  23. Is it a it a its super aunty curlypops! I am so happy for you...and so dead set jealous of that fantastic bike! Go girl power!
    Happy birthday!

  24. oh what a wonderful sight, you on a bike, made me so happy to see.

  25. Yay! So exciting you now have your own bike. I bet your nephews loved going for a ride with Auntie Cam!

  26. You are having the time of your great to see...great friends you have there. xxx

  27. What an amazing group of friends you have! I notice you've got boots on too, hooray!

  28. Wow! What an amazing thing, so happy for you Cam, it made me grin from ear to ear. Just told my husband that you've just been on a bike and he's gobsmacked, "Astonishing!" he says, referring to the difference the transplant has made for you :-)

  29. WOW!!! That is an amazing surprise but you deserve it Cam! Looking forward to seeing more pics of you on your new bike =-)

  30. Gorgeous bike! <3 And lovely Birthday cards! Happy Birthday!

    Eeek! I have total envy of those who know how to ride bikes! Have tried to learn when I was little...but um, my knees are scarred from falling off so many times :D!

  31. Truly a magnificent sight. Now I expect to see a range of amazingly crafty bike accessories. Seat covers, basket decorations, pannier bags that don't suck. No pressure at ; )

  32. Happy birthday! And what a great pressie - love the colour of the bike.


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